18 April 2011

Holiday Homework - Yes there is some!

Yes, you do have holiday homework 24/7.com, but I promise it's fun. You must add at least two posts to your blog about your holiday. Try and include photos or a video if you can. Remember all of the things we learnt about posting on your blog...

  • Keep it short
  • Snappy headline
  • Keep it relevant
  • Use links
  • Use bullet points
  • EDIT - I've noticed a few spelling and punctuation errors on some of your blogs. You will need to go back and fix these up. Get your parents to check it for you.
Happy blogging!

Happy Holidays

I can't believe the holidays are already here. 11 weeks flew by. I hope that all the students in 24/7.com have a wonderful holiday and Easter. Take care.

11 April 2011

Maths Strategy

Check out this awesome website - Voice Thread. We can use it to explain our thinking in Mathematics.

07 April 2011

Week 10 Weekly Update

Will be posted Monday due to technical difficulties.

Heart Attack in a Wrapper

It's hit America then Australia and now it's coming to New Zealand. The Double Down Burger! This burger could also be called a burger with out buns because it's true. This burger contains no buns, lettuce, tomato or onion. It contains 2 slabs of fried chicken, 2 slabs of cheese and 2 slabs of bacon. It will cost $10.90c to purchase this burger. So is it worth all the money? Well most people in America and Australia think so.
So when it comes to New Zealand why don't you go see if you like it.

By Aimee West

Cooking up a Storm

For homework, Room 7 were asked to create their own cooking show on iMovie. Check out the awesome videos they have created.

Animal Abuse

Every year the SPCA receives over eleven thousand complaints of animal abuse. These are some of the worst cases. The story of a Gisbourne man who fed five live kittens to his dog, a Whangarei cat scorched with boiling water, and four South Auckland boys who repeatedly kicked and punched a puppy then threw it through a basketball hoop. It is chilling to see that most of these crimes were committed by teenagers or kids. Animal abuse is getting out of control and it's time to stand up for our pets rights.  
By Kesa Talka

Musical Explosion Update

This term at Ross all four houses have been working away at next week's major competition ~ Musical Explosion. It's full of inter-house rivalry with a set song and a song of the teachers choice from each houses. The set song is America's Greatest Hero - Believe it or Not. Every house has tried to perfect it but, as a Sheppard house student, I have to say that our house has done the best with lots of cool tricks scattered throughout the song. Sheppard has chosen I Got a Feeling ~ The Black-Eyed Peas. Make sure you wear socks because I guarantee they will be knocked off!
By Maria Reiche

03 April 2011

Ta Ta, Tetera

On Friday, we said goodbye to our College Teacher, Miss Tetera. Miss Tetera joined us in Week 6 and stayed in our classroom until Week 9. Miss Tetera was a teacher and learner in our classroom. We all noticed how much she improved in her teaching during her four weeks with us. 

We loved having Miss Tetera in our class because...

  • She was fun and enthusiastic
  • She taught us some new games in P.E.
  • She sung to us and played her eight string Ukelele 
  • She has a great sense of humour
  • She put us out of our comfort zone and encouraged us to take risks
  • She always bounced into the classroom
  • She taught us a song and the Samoan Sasa
  • She taught us new maths strategies
Thank you Miss Tetera for teaching and learning alongside us. We really appreciated our Freddo Frogs on the last day too. Yum, yum, yum! We miss you and can't wait for you to come back in August. 

Post by: 24/7.com - W.A.L.T. write a blog post.