20 June 2011

Guinea Pigs

The guinea pigs wanted some of Ben's dinner.
Miss B with our new friends.

13 June 2011


For the next five weeks we are looking at how to take good pictures. This week we have been looking at the elements of photography; lines, angles, framing, and light. Check out our PHOTO PAGE to see our best photos. 

Can you work out which photos, demonstrate which element?

07 June 2011

Possible World Record Attempt?

In Sheppard Team, we have regular challenges. This week's challenge is to master the 'balance board'. Many students have attempted to master the skill but one rose above the rest. Nick Ihaka lasted over 16 minutes on the balance board yesterday. The only reason he jumped off was because it was time to learn, which got us thinking. We googled the world record for staying on a balance board and it's only 1.55 hrs. 

What do you reckon? Can Nick do it?