12 December 2011

End of Year

I can't believe it is the end of the year already. It has gone so fast. I'm going to miss all the Room 7 students.

Thanks to all the parents and caregivers for such a wonderful year.

Take care over the Christmas and New Year period.

Lorna Beauchamp

07 December 2011

New Guinea Pig Owner

I am very pleased to announce that Leearna Amos is the new owner of Bugsy and Snowy. I know Leearna will love them and care for them responsibly.  Hopefully Leearna keeps us updated with pics and stories about their new lives. 

Thank you Leearna for adopting them. We know they are in the best hands.

Miss Beauchamp and Room 7

29 November 2011

Class Trip Tomorrow

Our class trip is tomorrow. Remember you need to bring...

  • Togs and towel
  • Drink bottle and light lunch (pizza provided)
  • School Jersey
You must be wearing your P.E. gear and sneakers. If you do not have sneakers, school shoes please. 

28 November 2011

Mathematics Revision

Wow! What an amazing day we had today. The Octagons all taught their planned maths lessons. Each student opted into two maths workshops today and we ran them between 11am-12pm. The Octagons were fantastic and all the students were so engaged in what was happening. We are running another session tomorrow. I'm absolutely buzzing with it's success. 

Check out our video...

27 November 2011

Apostrophe Disease

It has been noted in Room 7, that several students are ailed by the 'apostrophe disease'. Symptoms include, erratic use of apostrophes or no use of apostrophes at all. But never fear, Doctor Beauchamp is here with a lesson to put your apostrophe troubles to rest. 

24 November 2011

Big Breakfast Challenge

In 24/7.com, we have been learning about the importance of having a good breakfast in the morning. Kennedy, Sarah and Maria organised a fantastic class challenge involving weetbixs. Check out the videos and photos below.

Beyonce' pays a visit!

This morning Beyonce', Ebony's guinea pig, and her four children, Eeny, Meeny, Miny and Mo, came to visit 24/7.com. They were very cute and we all enjoyed having a cuddle.

28 September 2011

Inference Activity

A fantastic online activity for you to practice your inferring skills. 


08 September 2011

Excited about the RWC!

Even Snowy, our guinea pig is excited about tonight's opening ceremony and game.

Go the All Blacks!

Rugby Supporter - Best Desk Competition

Starting next Monday, we are having a competition for the best decorated desk. Your desk must be decorated to support your adopted team for the RWC. On Friday, a special guest will come and judge the competition. 

Get decorating!

05 September 2011

Rugby World Cup 2011

Every student in Room 7 has adopted a RWC team. Check out their blogs to see their support. Miss Beauchamp pulled out Canada. 

25 August 2011


Remember each week you should be completing spelling, maths and reading at home. There are so many websites you can use to help with your learning, including...Khan Academy, Spelling City and Storyline Online. These and more websites can be found on our blog homepage.


Sticking with our theme of the 1990s. You are to choose one influential person from the 1990s and research into their life and why they were influential. You presentation needs to be on iMovie, where you can put together images, information and video to create a multimedia presentation. 

Start by researching the different influential people. Choose one and use the 'seven servants' to pose some questions about their life. Research and collate your information and images before starting your presentation. You may want to use the KAPOW process to guide you. 

Have fun!!!

22 August 2011

Miss T is back!

Miss Tetera has been back in action for the past 3 weeks in 24/7.com. Check out the Tuvaluan Haka she has begun to teach us.

08 August 2011

Reading Level when Google Searching

This is a great video that teaches us how to search for material on google that we can actually read and understand. Thanks Mr Sloan. As Intermediate students, we need to use the BASIC search.

04 August 2011


It's time to start up homework again. You already have been introduced to Part A of your homework which is the 20 Day Photo Challenge. 

Part B - 1990s
-Develop 10 interview questions you could ask someone about the 1990s. Think about the questions we have already posed in class and use the 7 Servants to assist you in creating open. thoughtful questions. Find someone who lived through the 1990s and interview them. You may do by email, phone, skype or in person. Record their answers via audio (Quicktime) or video or by writing them down. 
- Your interview needs to be completed by Friday 19th August and uploaded to your blog. 

Remember to keep practicing your spelling words. Spelling City is a great website for this and there are other online games as well. 

Any questions, just let me know,

Miss Beauchamp

03 August 2011

Pretty Polygons

Today we learnt all about what a Polygon is. It's very tricky remembering all the rules and what each one is called. This is a great site with all the information on it for us.

Have a read and hopefully you will learn something too. Miss Beauchamp sure did.

Maths League - POLYGONS

A polygon is a closed figure joined by straight line segments

01 August 2011


Check out this Geometry website. It has some great games for beginning our Geometry unit.

Geometry Website

12 July 2011

Palmerston North is NOT boring!

This term for Inquiry, we have been focused on New Zealand and Beyond. For our Taking Action part of the unit, we looked at how we could promote Palmerston North as a great place to live and visit. 

Check out this blog, Palmy Rocks, to see all 24/7.com's ideas for promoting our beautiful city. 

Well done 24/7.com!

10 July 2011

Super Arts Drama

Last week, a group of talented students from Ross Intermediate performed at the Super Arts Drama competition. We performed in two catergories; theatresports and a play. Ross Intermediate came second overall but received a perfect score of 25/25 for their rendition of "Little Jim". 

Congratulations to Caitlin Lucas, Kyle Dahl, Danielle Small and Sarah Angland, all from 24/7.com. We sure do have a talented class. 

03 July 2011

Melissa the Guinea Pig Whisperer

Melissa came and visited Room 7 today to talk about looking after guinea pigs. Room 7 had lots of fantastic questions for her. She also brought in Romeo and Juliet and their latest litter of babies for us to see. They were very cute. Room 7 has lots of new knowledge about how to give our guinea pigs the best quality of life possible. 

P.S. We have named our guinea pigs Bugsy and Snowy. 

20 June 2011

Guinea Pigs

The guinea pigs wanted some of Ben's dinner.
Miss B with our new friends.

13 June 2011


For the next five weeks we are looking at how to take good pictures. This week we have been looking at the elements of photography; lines, angles, framing, and light. Check out our PHOTO PAGE to see our best photos. 

Can you work out which photos, demonstrate which element?

07 June 2011

Possible World Record Attempt?

In Sheppard Team, we have regular challenges. This week's challenge is to master the 'balance board'. Many students have attempted to master the skill but one rose above the rest. Nick Ihaka lasted over 16 minutes on the balance board yesterday. The only reason he jumped off was because it was time to learn, which got us thinking. We googled the world record for staying on a balance board and it's only 1.55 hrs. 

What do you reckon? Can Nick do it?