In 24/, we don't want homework to be a battle between parents, students and teachers, so you can opt your child out of homework if you wish. There is a difference between homework and work that is sent home because it has not been completed in class time.
Homework goes home on a Friday and is due back the following Thursday. It consists of four parts; maths, spelling, reading and extras.
Students are all leveled according to Arvidsen Spelling and have a spelling list on their computer. From this, they are to choose unknown words to practice each week. In their homework book, is a list of suggested activities. Students are expected to learn at least 10 words a week. When the student feels they are ready to be re-tested, they can ask Miss Beauchamp to administer their test on a Friday.
Spelling City - great website where you can enter your own list words.
A maths sheet needs to be completed each week. This may be a Basic Facts sheet or a general maths sheet. The maths sheets are leveled but your child may need some support in completing these. If your child needs Basic Fact practice, try some of the websites below.
Arcademic Skill Builders
Basic Operations
Students should be reading at least four times a week at home and this needs to be recorded in their Reading Log and signed off by a parent or caregiver. Reading includes websites of interest, magazines, newspapers, novels etc...
Extras may be projects or activities related to class learning. These are usually issued over a fortnight. While spelling, maths and reading are compulsory parts of homework, extras are optional. If you would like you child to do the extras, you will need to provide them with support and encourage them to complete it. Miss Beauchamp will not follow up on these.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Miss Beauchamp.