If you can think of any more please comment below.
- ⌘ + Q Exits your application
- To zoom, hold 'control' and use two fingers on the mouse pad
- ⌘ + D Doubles a file
- ⌘ + W Quits a window/tab
- ⌘ + O Opens the document that is highlighted
- ⌘ + I On a highlighted document brings up the info window
- ⌘ + Shift + 4 To take a screenshot and add space for the whole screen
- ⌘ + Tab + Q Logs out
- ⌘ + R To restart YouTube
- ⌘ + Shift + Z To redo
- ⌘ + Spacebar To open Spotlight
- ⌘ + Control + Escape To open Force Quit
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