30 May 2011

Angular Angles

In 24/7.com we are looking at measuring angles with a protractor. This is a tricky skill, but Miss Beauchamp has found a great website to help us with our learning...

Measuring Angles

Did you know....

  • An angle less than 90 degrees is called an ACUTE angle?
  • An angle more than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees is called an OBTUSE angle?
  • An angle more than 180 degrees is called a REFLEX angle?
Have fun measuring!

29 May 2011

Let's Get Quizzical

Well done Aimee West for being first in NZ to solve last weeks brainteaser. Can you solve this weeks one?

23 May 2011

Sheppard House Rocks

Sheppard House won the house competition for chocolate selling. Our prize is a free mufti day for our house on Friday this week. We are all very excited about the prize. Remember, you can only participate if you sold some chocolates.

24/7.com also were very successful over all. We sold 43 boxes and came 2nd overall. Digi 9 just managed to beat us. They had one super student who sold 25 boxes. Wow! We don't receive a prize for coming 2nd but we do now have 4 digital cameras to use in our classroom. This will be fantastic for our digital photography unit, starting in Week 5. 

Ninja Stars

As well as learning to write instructions, 24/7.com are learning to follow instructions too. Today we watched an instructional video on how to make ninja stars. Some of us successfully followed instructions and some of us were not so successful. We are going to keep working on our listening skills over the next two weeks, with some fun activities Miss Beauchamp has planned for us.

Can you make a ninja star successfully?

17 May 2011

Movie Competition

Check out this awesome opportunity. Follow the link below for all the details and examples of winners from 2010.

NZTA Movie Competition

15 May 2011

Cup of tea anyone?

This term in 24/7.com, we are learning to write a procedure. We have already had a go at writing recipes, but I want to see if students can write out instructions to a simple, everyday task. 
Check out the video below...
Miss Beauchamp Makes a Cup of Tea

10 May 2011


Room 7 are selling up a chocolate storm and we are so class to our 4th and 5th digital cameras. We need to bring back all the money for our outstanding boxes to receive our 4th camera and then need to sell an additional 8 boxes to receive our 5th camera. If you can help out, see Miss Beauchamp by Friday. 

Also, we are currently 2nd in the class competition and are closing the gap between us and Room 9. If we win the class competition, we will receive a delicious pizza lunch with Mr Codyre. 

Come on guys, we can do it! 

09 May 2011

Geography Game

Traveller IQ - is a fantastic game to test your geography skills. We will be playing it in class so make sure you are practicing at home too. See how your siblings and parents score. It's a great way to get to know the world.

04 May 2011

Spelling City

In our classroom, everyone has been practicing hard to move up spelling levels. Here is a way to have fun and practice your words at the same time. It is called Spelling City. Here you can have spelling tests, play spelling games and have lots of fun. It is the easy way of learning your spelling words each day. 

03 May 2011

Stop in the name of copyright!

Yesterday we got taught a little bit about copyright. Any music or pictures that you haven't asked the artist to have in the background is copyright infringement! There are sites that let you download free play music or there is free play music in a folder from a program like imovie. We also got to watch a very funny "Happy Tree Friends" video on Youtube about what videos you can upload and what ones you should not.

By Sarah

All About Geography

This term for Inquiry we have been looking at a new topic called NZ and Beyond. This is to do with geography, so we're going to be looking at some fun activities to do with mapping and much more.These are the things we should understand by the end of the topic...
  • We are all part of a bigger world.
  • People have a desire to explore their environment and beyond.
  • People use and view places differently.
  • People and the environment have history.
24/7.com can't wait until this exciting topic starts to unfold.

By Connor

Mighty Measurement

This term we are looking at measurement in Maths. For our measurement test we used an online testing program called e-asTTle. Miss B said that it is really helpful for her because it marks all of the work by itself and it even shows us our strong points and our points that we might need to work on a little bit. We also have split up into our various maths groups for the term. We aren't too far through the unit yet but so far, so good.

By George Naylor

Chocolate Selling

On Tuesday, the the first of Ross Intermediates chocolate boxes were given out to students that have already handed in their forms. By selling 15 boxes of chocolate within your class, your class will receive 1 camera to add on to your classes 2 and if your class sells 25 then you will get an extra 2! Not only will you get cameras for your class out of selling chocolate, the student in the school that sells the most chocolate boxes will get their very own free camera, the same as the class ones. There are also plenty more prizes to win e.g $50 Plaza gift cards, iPods, juicies, and much more. With all these wonderful prizes up for grabs I am sure everyone will be selling like crazy, so here are a few ideas to help you sell more and be safe.

  • Get your parents to take them to work
  • Go door knocking with an adult
  • Offer them to your friends and family
  • Be polite when you sell them to others (politeness sells)
  • Buy a few for yourself as a treat (but not too many)
  • Wear your uniform when you go door knocking so people recognise where you are from and it also looks smart
So with all of these wonderful ideas and prizes you now know about, why are you still reading? Get off the couch, grab your chocolates and get going.

Happy selling!

By Indiya

DARE To Make A Choice

This term 24/7.com are taking the DARE To Make A Choice programme. It is all about different types of drugs and how to use them appropriately. The lessons will be taken by Miss Beauchamp and Emily from the NZ Police. On Tuesday we made a table on pages with two columns, 'what do I know about drugs' and 'what do I need to know about drugs'. We all filled them in with answers such as types of drugs, how you know they are drugs and their effects. We also have a 'Choice Box' so we can write anonymous, sensible questions about drugs or DARE for Emily to answer when she comes in. At the end of the session Miss Beauchamp gave us all a 'Cool 2 B Me' poster to fill in. These are due in tomorrow so anyone who hasn't started better make a move on!

Key Competency Blitz

In 24/7.com this week, we are learning all about the Key Competencies. Each day, we start with a motivating and engaging activity. 

On Monday, we got into groups to complete a colouring competition. We then talked about the skills we needed to be successful. This activity was then related to the Key Competency, Participating and Contributing. We completed a Looks Like, Sounds Like, Feels Like chart for this competency. We also broke down the curriculum definition into our own words.

On Tuesday, we were split up on our own and asked not to talk or make eye contact with our peers. Miss Beauchamp gave us a piece of paper with instructions on it. We had 3 minutes to complete the instructions. Only two people in our class managed to follow the instructions correctly. Check out the link below to see if you can do better. 

Instructions Test

This activity was linked to the Key Competency, Managing Self. We split into groups and brainstormed what we though Managing Self was. Some of us could link it to our knowledge of the Habit of Mind, Managing Impulsivity. 

Keep checking our blog for more updates about our Key Competency learning.

Welcome Back

Welcome back everybody. I hope you all have wonderful holiday. I am really excited about the next 11 weeks. We have a cool Inquiry unit planned called NZ & Beyond, a digital photography unit, Measurement in Maths, DARE programme and lots, lots more. 

Keep checking our blog regularly for updates on what is happening in 24/7.com.

Miss Beauchamp