29 March 2011

Maraekakaho School Visit

Yesterday, four students and five teachers from Maraekakaho School, visited Ross Intermediate to learn how to use iMovie. It was an inspiring and enjoyable day for all those involved. The teachers from Maraekakaho created their own blogs. Check out the 'Goal Miners' on our Blog List. 

Can you spot Miss Beauchamp and her mum, Mrs Beauchamp?

Webb Ellis Cup visits Ross Intermediate

Ross Intermediate was so lucky to see and ask questions about the Webb Ellis Cup today. Room 7 even had a photo with the cup. Can you see Miss Beauchamp trying to touch the cup?

Hopefully the cup will remain in New Zealand for the next three years.

27 March 2011

Creative Clocks

Our first technology rotation is over and we move into the next cycle today. Check out 24/7.com's clocks they created in Wood Technology. Vote for your favourite, by commenting on this post.

20 March 2011

Musical Explosion

Week 11, Term One is when Sheppard House will show Ross Intermediate just what they are made of. We have been practising in our classroom and as a team to hone our singing skills and performance talents. We will be performing "I Gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas and the set song is "Believe or Not". Did you know it was the theme tune for an old TV programme?

The Sasa

Miss Tetera has been teaching us how to do a Sasa. It's been really exciting and challenging learning about a new culture. Check out how we are going.

A Big Move

This term, our Inquiry unit is based around change. We are learning how to deal with change and how our attitude towards change, can affect the outcome. Recently, we have being looking at how to deal with sudden change, like a natural disaster. We have been learning when to call 111 and how to stay calm and accurately give over the information the call centre needs. Check out the YouTube clip we used to help us find out all about 111 calls.

All About Me Art

Students in Room 7 created pieces of art using Comic Life and Photo Booth. We first used a bubble map to map out our ideas of words that described ourselves physically, our personality and our interests. We then took a photo of ourselves on PhotoBooth and used this as a base for art. Using Comic Life we added the words we brainstormed, shaping them and colouring them to match our own features. Check out the finished product in our photos.